The National Judges Cup will be held in New Orleans on January 7 – 9, 2022. New Orleans has recovered from Hurricane Ida and is ready to welcome your teams.
A special GK leotard was created to generate funds for the Louisiana gyms affected by the hurricane. Please consider sharing this announcement with your gymnasts and place a club order for the special leotards: Louisiana Strong and Resilient.
â–ªPrice: $45 plus $3 shipping per Leo (Use GK Elite Sizing Chart)
â–ªDeadline for accepting pre-orders: 11/5/21
â–ªLeos will take about 6 weeks from deadline (in time for the holidays!)
â–ªLeos will be sent to gym clubs for distribution
Please take orders through your club and send a check payable to:
Louisiana Gymnastics
c/o Jackie Latino
2073 Bonn Street
Harvey, LA 70058
Thank you for your support for Louisiana Strong and Resilient!